
The Therapeutic Hub is Ready for Activities

One of the great successes of the project „Step by step, growing with dignity!”: The therapeutic hub in Valea Merilor, Predești, where emotionally vulnerable children from the countryside find their childhood, imagination, creativity and especially resilience through focused non-formal and therapeutic activities on their rights and personal growth.

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The closing conference of the project Step by step, growing with dignity!

The Development and Psychotherapy through Action Association held the closing conference of the project „Step by step, growing with dignity!” on November 23rd. The conference was attended by representatives of the Dolj County Police Inspectorate, the Craiova Juvenile and Youth Detention Center, the Dolj Bar, the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, the Dolj County School Inspectorate, the schools and town halls of communes and villages involved, as well as representatives from the press.

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Two Spaces Intended for Interaction with Minors in Judicial Contexts Were Inaugurated in Craiova

As part of the project „Step by step, grow with dignity!”, the Development and Psychotherapy through Action Association set up a space intended for the hearing of children and interacting with them in the premises of Police Station no. 1 in Craiova and remodeled the „Parent-child” room in the Craiova Juvenile and Youth Detention Center. These were properly arranged to favor dialogue with minors who come into contact with the authorities during judicial investigations, but also to have appropriate meetings during visits with their children.

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The Winners of the Contest „I Have the Right to Dignity!”

Congratulations to all participants and winners to the slogan contest!

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„Children must live in a world of beauty”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky said:

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The project`s team of trainers has started delivering training sessions for judicial and social protection staff

In July 2022, some of the trainers of the Association for Development and Psychotherapy through Action (DePsi), Roxana Enache, Alexandru Goreci, Dacian Florea and Monica Dobre, under the guidance of project manager Irina Gruia, started delivering the training course on working techniques with minors at risk of emotional vulnerability and trauma, the training duration being 30 hours over 9 days, respectively 16 hours over 2 days for specialists from the Dolj Bar and the Dolj County Police Inspectorate.

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Step by step growing with dignity! – Training of traiers

Between April and June 2022, the Association for Development and Action Psychotherapy conducted a training course for trainers in working techniques with minors at risk of emotional vulnerability, the duration of training being 90 hours during 3 modules of 30 each. cumulative hours during a week.

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”Step by step growing with dignity!” – Project Dedicated to Children with Fewer Opportunities

Copiii, mai ales cei din mediul rural, sunt de multe ori victime ale violenței domestice și ale abuzurilor, copiii cu dizabilități sunt lipsiți de un tratament afectuos și protector, copiii care vin în contact cu instituțiile publice în anchete judiciare au parte de experiențe neplăcute cauzate de lipsa de spații special amenjate și de lipsa unor competențe în domeniul comunicării relaționale cu minorii. Acestea sunt cateva dintre dificultatile ”de om mare” prin care copiii dezavantajați trec zi de zi și pe care echipa Asociației Dezvoltare și Psihoterapie prin Acțiune le-a observat în comunitatile în care activează. Așa a apărut nevoia implementării proiectului ”Pas cu pas cresc demn!”

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Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.
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