The Therapeutic Hub is Ready for Activities
Publicat in data : 2024-04-01

One of the great successes of the project „Step by step, growing with dignity!”: The therapeutic hub in Valea Merilor, Predești, where emotionally vulnerable children from the countryside find their childhood, imagination, creativity and especially resilience through focused non-formal and therapeutic activities on their rights and personal growth.

The therapeutic hub, or „Happy hub”, as the children call it, is our center for camps and educational activities, built within the project „Step by step grow worthy!”, which offers children 40 places to stay in rooms with their own bathrooms, an activity room equipped with video projectors and a sound system, an accessible bathroom, a covered terrace with a dining room and space for activities, a therapeutic garden with a sensory path and special areas dedicated to sensory exploration, musical instruments, fresh air, fun and a natural landscape ready to be explored, the location being on the edge of the forest and surrounded by an apple orchard. The hub is also suitable for children with locomotor disabilities, having access ramps in the building and an accommodation room with its own bathroom adapted to their needs.

The location has already hosted a number of activities for emotionally vulnerable rural children, led by our training, psychotherapy and personal development specialists.

The project receives a grant of € 1,926,662 from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increasing Roma Inclusion” Program. The aim of the project is to promote respect for children`s rights at the national level.

For more details on the EEA and Norwegian Grants, as well as on the Program Operator, visit and

Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.

Working together for an inclusive Europe.

Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.
For more details on the EEA and Norwegian Grants, as well as on the Program Operator, visit and

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