The project`s team of trainers has started delivering training sessions for judicial and social protection staff
Publicat in data : 2022-08-05

In July 2022, some of the trainers of the Association for Development and Psychotherapy through Action (DePsi), Roxana Enache, Alexandru Goreci, Dacian Florea and Monica Dobre, under the guidance of project manager Irina Gruia, started delivering the training course on working techniques with minors at risk of emotional vulnerability and trauma, the training duration being 30 hours over 9 days, respectively 16 hours over 2 days for specialists from the Dolj Bar and the Dolj County Police Inspectorate. This course is part of the project "Step by step, growing with dignity!" and was created as a result of the organization of a focus group together with the local partners and collaborators within the project, IPJ Dolj, the Juvenile Detention Center Craiova, the Dolj Bar and the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj, for consultations in order to establish the need for training of the aforementioned professionals.

During the 11 days, 20 lawyers from the Dolj Bar and 30 police officers from the IPJ Dolj learned information and working techniques related to trauma and how to approach various risk situations from the trainers, the purpose of the training being the fulfilment of one of the objectives of the project, namely, improving the conditions for conducting judicial investigations in which children are involved, increasing access to recovery and mental rehabilitation services for children with disabilities, and improving the skills of professionals in terms of dialogue and interaction with minors.

Through the course, the 50 specialists from Bar and IPJ Dolj sections and structures will also benefit from other training sessions, the total training hours for each group being 60. In August, the training sessions for specialists from the Juvenile Detention Center Craiova will begin.

Following the training, several of the participants provided testimonials expressing their satisfaction and appreciation for the entire course experience, six of which can be found below:

V: "I thank the organizers and coordinators for giving me this opportunity, because opportunities are the best, regardless of where they come from."

A: "For me it is the first time I participate in such a cool course and I participated with pleasure. It`s unlike anything I`ve experienced before and for that I thank you and I can`t wait to see you again next time.”

M: "I`m leaving with a feeling of gratitude, for the information and knowledge that I didn`t get from other trainings in my 15 years as a police officer."

T: "I am surprised at the information I have learned and grateful."

A: "I can`t wait to put what I`ve learned into practice and I`m grateful for the information and curious about what`s to come."

A: "I`m leaving excited about the information I`ve learned, especially since I`m at the beginning of my journey and I`m convinced that it will help me throughout my career."

A: "I was taken out of my comfort zone and for me it was totally different. I loved it and can`t wait to put it into practice."

The project "Step by step, growing with dignity!" benefits from a grant in the amount of €1,926,662 offered by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021, within the "Local development, poverty reduction and increasing Roma inclusion" Program. The objective of the project is to promote the respect for children`s rights at the national level.

For more details about EEA Grants, as well as about the Program Operator, visit and

Material produced with the financial support of EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.

working together for an inclusive Europe

Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.
For more details on the EEA and Norwegian Grants, as well as on the Program Operator, visit and

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