Step by step growing with dignity! – Training of traiers
Publicat in data : 2022-08-05

Between April and June 2022, the Association for Development and Action Psychotherapy conducted a training course for trainers in working techniques with minors at risk of emotional vulnerability, the duration of training being 90 hours during 3 modules of 30 each. cumulative hours during a week. This course is part of the project "Step by step I grow worthy!" and was facilitated by trainers Eduardo Verdu, Leandra Perrotta - Geard and Zena Geard - Perotta, representative members of the partner organization Moreno Husset AS.

During the 3 modules, the 10 trainers learned from trainers information and work techniques related to trauma and how to approach in various risk situations, both in the training of professionals in the judiciary and social protection, and with young minors. , beneficiaries of the project "Step by step grow with dignity!". Also within the course activity, a focus group was organized together with partners and local collaborators within the project, IPJ Dolj, Craiova Juvenile Detention Center, Dolj Bar and the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj, for consultations to establish the need for training of the aforementioned professionals.

The 3 modules came to the aid of the trainers in order to better structure their information and to be able to create a well-established program, with individual and group work elements.

The Norwegian partner sent all 10 trainers working materials and provided all the information for the course support.

Following the training, some of the participants gave testimonials in which they expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the entire experience of the course. Two of them can be found below:

"In my daily work, I encounter trauma with her different faces. Sometimes she looks as she is, domineering, scary, with fangs out, and the confrontation is face to face, with all the weapons they have. Sometimes it camouflages itself, hides, insinuates itself, looking shy and fragile, but its effects and the force with which it acts are just as difficult to manage. In order to fight these battles, I need strong, effective and different weapons, I need to be strong and stable, to have people with me who have fought such battles and with their experience to enrich my arsenal of techniques. This is what we have achieved by participating in this training: authenticity, information, tools, the strength that an involved, wise, informed, empathetic and strong group offers you. ”

In all 3 modules of the training course in work techniques and communication with children and young people with reduced opportunities and emotional vulnerability, I participated with great delight. At first I saw myself as a bird with its beak wide open to receive food. During the training, I felt curiosity, responsibility, awareness, surprise, connection, admiration and I had several revelations. It was one of those courses that you wouldn`t miss if you knew what to go for. It made me feel responsible for the very training process I go through. I felt that the trainers are there to guide me, to open horizons for me with the precious key of their expertise, and the rest is up to me, to us. For this, we first discovered together what our expectations, motivation, needs, challenges and fears are, and then to use them as future crochet tools, as Irina Gruia says. I found that the resources are in the group. That what we gain is almost exclusively ours. We learned theoretical notions about trauma, notions that were not listed in books, but were taken from our souls, minds, personal or professional experiences. The techniques of working with young people who suffered trauma were predominantly from psychodrama, which was a completely new field for some of the students and already known to others. Thus, it is this diversity that has added value to teamwork. Another aspect that enriched the experience was the diversity of areas in which students work whose experience has been constantly valued and capitalized. I left with strategies, tools and working methods, with new or already known techniques but experienced in a new context, with the joy of a seed planted in my mind for the future elaboration of a course as I saw that it is effective to you work as a team, with more knowledge, both about the needs of children and young people with reduced opportunities and emotional vulnerability, and about the needs of those who work with them in the state system - lawyers, police, social workers, psychologists, etc. I was enriched by the experience of the group so varied, with the potential of the safety net of the members of the group, and with the hope of a pencil that wants to be broken by the power of the mind.”.

Through the course, the 10 trainers will continue training to the 70 specialists from the police, bar and social assistance.

The project receives a grant of € 1,926,662 from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increasing Roma Inclusion” Program. The aim of the project is to promote respect for children`s rights at the national level.

For more details on the EEA and Norwegian Grants, as well as on the Program Operator, visit and

Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.

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Material produced with the financial support of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2921. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author.
For more details on the EEA and Norwegian Grants, as well as on the Program Operator, visit and

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